3rd April – 13th April 2024

in Facebook Group: business.enlightenment

Welcome to 10-days LIVE VIDEO – Visibility Challenge. The goal of this challenge is to retrain your brain – and nervous system – to feel safe when working in going live on any Social Media platform you prefer to promote yourself or your business.
This visibility Challenge is for you who want to build a brand and start making more money.
  Why Do a LIVE VIDEO – Visibility Challenge:
We are constantly being challenged by others or life. It is necessary for growth, both personally and professionally. But instead of waiting for it, we should take the matter in our own hands. If we want different results, we need to have a different approach. If you don’t have enough clients, you must change your approach and strategies.
Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text. 96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
 ( Video Marketing Stats Resource)


  Why LIVE?

Personally, I don’t mind recording, but what I have experienced is that I can not be bothered to edit and then post it. I often change my mind about the content, the way I look, behave, or find some other reason for not posting it. If I go Live I know people have seen it, and I don’t have to waist time editing it.
I have also experienced that people are much more forgiving if it is a live and you say something wrong or make a mistake. It also makes you much more believable and approachable.


When you complete this challenge, you will:
Learn How grab attention.
Care less about what other people think of your video.
Experience more joy when you are delivering your message / content.
Find your voice and refine your message.
Train your brain and nervous system that it’s “safe” to market and sell.
Create a volume of helpful content for your audience.
You Rewire your brain to see content and opportunities to use as a message, in everything you do.
Have renewed enthusiasm for your business… because challenges are fun!


  Why The Visibility Challenge Works:
This challenge uses three simple tools to teach your brain and nervous system to feel safe in your business. The tools are:
Redefine Success: reduce fear of failure and attachment to results by defining success as action.
Do It Anyway: break the habit of stopping when you feel fear, doubt, or uncertainty
Tap into Curiosity: fuel your action with a more powerful emotion to create bigger and better results.

How this works:

The Challenge will start in my Facebook Group: business.enlightenment

You will be waiting in the “Waiting room” and I lett you into the group right before the Challenge starts. 

The 3 first days we will prepare the content, platform and the script for going live. 

You will get workbooks and a supporting group.

From the 4th Day we will start going live for 7 days straight. 

One the 10th Day we will celebrate.